The Parcel Search tool on the left side of this page is there for your convenience. You can use this link to view information about your parcel.
Many of the forms and documents available in the office have also been added to the website. Please see the list of downloadable forms below.
Our office is open to the public. We also have the drive up window open for your convenience. Please call our office at 217-732-9635, or email us at if you have any questions.
Chief County Assessment Officer- Jennifer Bryant
The Supervisor of Assessments office monitors and directs countywide property valuation for the purpose of real property taxation in accordance with the Illinois Property Tax Code and Illinois State Guidelines. It is our mission to have accurate, fair, and uniform assessments for Logan County. We are responsible for many duties that are a help to the community.
- Provide assistance and direction to township assessors so that all assessments are uniform across the county.
- Administer all property tax exemptions (see exemptions you may qualify for below).
- Notify tax payers through mailed notices and publications of assessment changes.
- Maintain mapping system including splitting and combining parcels.
- Maintaining mailing addresses for property tax bills and notices.
- Help the taxpayer to understand the property tax process and how to appeal an assessment to the Board of Review.
- Maintain property records and update changes in building features, sales, and ownership.
The Chief County Assessment Officer is also responsible for preparing abstracts and reports to the Illinois Department of Revenue, applying equalization factors to keep assessment levels at the 33.33 required by the state, serving as clerk to the County Board of Review, and serving as Chairman of the Farmland Assessment Review Committee.Equalization is the application of a uniform percentage increase or decrease to assessed values of various areas or classes of property to bring assessments on average, to the statutory level of assessment of 33 1/3%. Both local assessment officials and the Illinois Department of Revenue are responsible for equalizing assessment levels.
In Logan County the Supervisor of Assessments office is also currently responsible for mobile home registrations. We require that all taxes are paid and you have a valid title before you can register a mobile home. To transfer a title into your name through the DMV you will need a tax certificate issued from the Logan County treasurer that certifies that there are no back taxes owed. For more information or if you have questions please call the office and ask for Stephanie.
Logan County Supervisor of Assessments
122 N. Mclean St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
(217) 732-9635
GIS Website
To view the GIS Mapping website, please click here.
Property Tax Exemptions
Are you eligible for a property tax exemption? And if so what do you need to provide to the Supervisor of Assessments office to receive those exemptions.
The Illinois Department of Revenue determines what is required and what documentation is needed to qualify for each property tax exemption. It is the job of the Supervisor of Assessments office to not only administer exemptions but also to verify eligibility. When exemptions are granted the tax burden is redistributed onto other taxpayers. It is our responsibility to ensure that if we are going to grant the exemption the applicant is indeed qualified. Although inconvenient to provide proof each year for renewals it is necessary and required.
The following exemptions are available for qualified property owners:
General Homestead Exemption - A reduction of $6000 in assessed value for persons who own and live in their property.
Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption - An additional reduction of $5000 in assessed value for property owners 65 years of age or older who own and live in their property. Requires application and proof of age.
Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption - This exemption freezes the assessed valuation at the year the owner qualifies, and renews each year after if they continue to qualify. Qualifications are that the property owner is 65 years of age or older, already signed up for the Senior Exemption and have a total household gross income of $65,000 or less. This would include income from anyone living in the home with the applicant. Verification of income is required each year.
Homestead Improvement Exemption - If a new improvement is added to an existing structure (i.e. garages, porches, decks, etc.) on property that the owner lives in, application may be made to exempt the assessment attributable to that improvement for four years.
Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption - The Returning Veteran's Homestead Exemption provides a $5000. reduction in assessed value for the veteran's principal residence for two consecutive tax years, beginning the year following the return of the veteran from an armed conflict on behalf of the United States. The applicant must own and occupy the home as the principle residence as of January 1st. if you acquire your home after returning you can apply the following January 1st. Please click link below to see documentation required on 2nd page of form under Do I need to provide documentation.
Disabled Veterans' Standard Homestead Exemption - Provides a reduction in a property's equalized assessed value to a qualifying property owned by a veteran with a service connected disability certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. A $2500 homestead exemption is available to a veteran with a service connected disability of 30-49%, a $5000 homestead exemption for a veteran with a service connected disability of at 50 to 69% and a disability of 70% or more is tax exempt. An annual application must be filed, along with proof of percentage disability. See application link below to view documentation required on 2nd page of form under Do I need to provide documentation.
Disabled Persons' Homestead Exemption - Provides a $2000 reduction in a property's equalized homestead exemption to a qualifying property owned by a disabled person. An annual application must be filed, as well as a qualifying proof of disability. There are four options for qualifying proof and one of them must be provided. See application link below to view documentation required on 2nd page of form under What documentation is required.
Forms & Documents
The following forms & documents are available online:
- Owner Ocupied Homestead Exemption/General Homes
- Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption
- 2024 Low Income Senior Freeze
- 2025 Low Income Senior Freeze
- Returning Veterans' Homestead Exemption
- Veterans with Disabilities
- Veterans with Disablity Annual Verification Form
- Persons with Disabilites Exemption
- Persons with Disabilities Annual Verification Form
- Leasehold Exemption
- Change of Address Form
- Request to Split or Combine Parcels
- Physicians statement
- Secretary of State Application for Persons with Disability I.D. Card
- Board of Review Rules
- Assessment Appeal Form
- Instruction for filing an appeal
- Comparable grid sheet for assessment appeals
- Non-Homestead Property Tax Exemption Application and Instruction
- Religious Non-Homestead Property Tax Exemption Application and Instruction
Freedom of Information Act
In compliance with
FOIA Requests will be promptly complied with or denied within five (5) business days after receipt of the request. The time for response may be extended for not more than five (5) business days from the original due date.
Records requests for commercial purposes will be responded to within twenty-one (21) working days after receipt.
"Commercial purpose" means the use of any part of a public record or records, or information derived from public records, in any form for sale, resale, or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services. For purposes of this definition, requests made by news media and non-profit, scientific, or academic organizations shall not be considered to be made for a "commercial purpose" when the principal purpose of the request is (i) to access and disseminate information concerning news and current or passing events,
(ii) for articles of opinion or features of interest to the public, or (iii) for the purpose of academic, scientific, or public research or education. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO OBTAIN A PUBLIC RECORD FOR A COMMERCIAL PURPOSE WITHOUT DISCLOSING THAT IT IS FOR A COMMERCIAL PURPOSE.
For more information about FOIA Request response times and how to appeal a denial of a request please review the Freedom of Information Act This is an offsite link or the Attorney General's FOIA webpage this is an offsite link.
Webpage Disclaimer
The parcel information found on this web site is for informational purposes only. Logan County is not responsible for any errors in the use of this information. The web site is updated every night and the most current assessment is available the following day. You may call (217) 732-9635 for more information.
Jennifer Bryant Logan County Supervisor of Assessments
122 N. Mclean St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
(217) 732-9635