
COVID-19 Information

Information related to COVID-19 affecting Logan County IL.

ios7 information outline Current Statistics 

Logan County Department of Public Health

If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.


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Coroner’s Welcome Note:

The Coroner’s office is located in the county seat of Lincoln, Illinois, approximately 35 miles north of our state capital Springfield, in Logan County. Logan County is approaching 30 thousand in population and is 618 square miles. 

Lincoln is easily accessible by I-55 and I-155 and also Illinois Routes 10 and 121. On the North edge of Lincoln we have a small but very interesting Logan County Airport. For more information, you can visit the Logan County website at

I understand that no one plans to or wants to have any professional encounters with the coroner’s office, however if the unfortunate need does present itself then I want the experience to be professional and compassionate.   Knowing death is part of life and that unnatural or unexpected deaths will happen then I want to have the most qualified individuals available to carry out the duties of coroner.   My staff and I will continue to work with law enforcement and all other agencies to provide the most comprehensive forensic death investigation possible.


Robert E, Thomas

Coroner of Logan County


Logan County Coroner Responsibilities:

► Maintain a 24 hour office
► Respond to death scenes
► Report infant and child deaths
► Make death notifications
► Determine necessity for autopsy
► Facilitate autopsy process
► Coordinate and transport of deceased from death scene
► Conduct death investigations when necessary
► Schedule and conduct inquests
► Issue temporary death certificates
► Issue permanent death certificates
► Issue permits to cremate
► Maintain records of reported deaths
► Maintain vital statistics related to all reported cases
► Take charge of personal property of deceased until release
► Report traffic, fire, boating and work related fatalities to the State of Illinois
► Upkeep the county’s Emergency Plan
► Obtain a minimum of 24 hour of continuing education annually


Reporting a death:

When any person dies as a result of criminal or other violent means, by casualty, suicide, or suddenly when in apparent good health, or in any suspicious or unusual manner, the person in attendance should immediately notify their police department.   The police department will call the coroner’s office and any other agencies needed for a professional investigation.  Together all response agencies will investigate and share vital information.   


The types of deaths included but not limited to:

► Traffic accident fatalities
► Accidental deaths at home
► Accidental deaths at work (or when death follows injury)
► Homicides
► Suicides
► Criminal or self-inflicted abortions
► Deaths involving alcoholism
► Deaths at home
► Deaths at any public place
► Deaths in a hospital emergency room
► Deaths in a hospital within 24 hours of admission
► Deaths occurring within one year and one month of a hip fracture


Note: Not all of the above deaths will become coroner cases, but should be reported for elimination or further investigation.
